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Sunroom Addition: Return on Investment

Published: March 26, 2010
A sunroom addition returns about 49% of its cost at resale, as long as the improvement is in line with other homes in the neighborhood.

Sunroom Addition
Despite their informal, indoor-outdoor feel, sunroom additions are a costly undertaking. It needs a foundation, walls, and a roof, just like any other addition—and it needs numerous windows, which can ratchet up the costs.

A 200-square-foot sunroom addition, including footings and slab-on-grade foundation, post-and-beam construction that´s exposed on the interior, efficient windows, 10 operable skylights, ceiling fan, tile floor, and window shades, costs an average of $74,300, according to Remodeling Magazine´s 2011-12 Cost vs. Value Report. You can expect to get about $34,100 of that investment (46%) back at resale, according to the study.

The highest rate of return on a sunroom addition is in the warm latitudes of the South. In Jackson, Miss., for example, the average cost is $70,700 and the return is $43,300, or 61.3%. The lowest payback is in the considerably chillier northern Midwest, where the average cost is $77,800 but the payback is only $32,500—a 41.8% return.

Wherever you live, the key to maximizing your return is to avoid over-improving. That means building a sunroom addition only if neighboring houses of similar style, size, and value tend to have them.

Of course, return on investment shouldn´t be your only concern when considering a sunroom addition—or any home improvement. Do the project because you want to enjoy it for years to come, and then consider whatever payback you´ll wind up getting when you sell in five or more years as found money.

National average cost, 200-square-foot sunroom addition, with standard appointments:

Job Cost: $75,200
Resale Value: $36,500
Cost Recoup: 48.6%

Regional info

New England

Middle Atlantic

South Atlantic

East South Central

West South Central

East North Central

West North Central



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