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A World of Discovery...From Your Computer

A World of Discovery...From Your Computer

Published: July 1, 2011

Online learning isn't just for college students anymore. There are plenty of courses and resources available. Following are some examples:

Ted ConferenceTED: Technology, Entertain, Design. That's what TED is all about. It provides award-winning, content - from engaging lessons on the end of time to the emergence of new forms of synthetic life. The site is at

MIT Open Courseware: This is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and popular options. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology made the headlines when it began offering free audio and video courses. There are now nearly 1,900 courses to choose from, with topics ranging from architecture to the arts. The site is at

FSI Language Courses: Ever wanted to learn a second, third or even fourth language? It's now easier than ever, thanks to FSI Language courses online. Developed by the Foreign Service Institute, the courses were originally developed by the U.S. government but are now available to anyone with an interest in upgrading his or her language skills. The site is at

Academic Earth: Tune in for a day or pursue an entire degree program with online video courses from leading universities such as Yale or Harvard. The site is at

SBA: Better your business skills from the comfort of your own home with the U.S. Small Business Administration Training Network. Courses are self-paced and available in conveniently timed video, audio and written segments. The site is at

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