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Party Stress-Free With Tips From the Experts

Published: August 24, 2012

It's one of life's great ironies that planning a fun party can be stressful. But it doesn't necessarily have to be.

Party PreparationLearn from the experts. Keep these party planners' tips top of mind and you'll have rave reviews from the partygoers while staying calm, cool and collected yourself.

One month to go

Choose a theme. A theme makes planning your party a little easier and a lot more fun.

Generate a budget. This will be your lifeline for the party. Remember, it's not about how much you spend but what you do with your budget.

Pick your guests. Try not to invite people who hate each other; make sure it's a fun mix.
Invite. Use whatever works for you:

e-vite, phone call or cute card.

One week to go

Plan your meal. Hopefully everyone will have RSVP'd by now.
Logistics. Decide on a seating plan. Know where the coats will go. Make sure you have enough glasses of all types.

Hours to go

Go Zen. Have everything ready well ahead so you can relax.

Laugh at your mistakes. Your guests are probably having too much fun to notice.

Have fun yourself. It's the best part of throwing a party!

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