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Why Not Turn Your Green Thumb to DIY Landscaping?

Published: April 20, 2014

A little landscaping can go a long way in transforming the look of a garden or yard. If you've got a green thumb and an eye for design, why not try DIY landscaping?

Plan: Don't rip out plants and shrubs or rush to the nearest nursery without a clear, well-defined plan. Analyze your space and the growing conditions you have to work with.

Collect magazine and online images of gardens you like, but try not to yearn for something that may not be right for your space. Then sketch out a design that balances what you love with what you can feasibly do.

Start fresh: As Better Homes and Gardens magazine suggests, try to start with a clean slate. Remove overgrown plants or features you don't like for a clearer idea of how your plan will apply.

Budget: Flowers, trees, and shrubs are not cheap, and it can be easy to spend a lot to make your space feel "full." Decide on a budget before you shop. Take your budget and design to a garden center and ask their experts what they recommend for your growing conditions, plan, and available funds.

If your budget doesn't allow for everything you need to achieve your desired look, consider completing the landscaping in stages.

Consider hiring help: For more complicated aspects of landscaping, such as installing a water feature or laying down stonework, consider using professional services. Hiring for one specific job while completing most of the rest yourself keeps costs down while ensuring a professional-looking result.

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