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4 reasons to sell now

ORLANDO, Fla. – Feb. 9, 2010 – Selling a property in this tough market can seem like a challenge. Here are four factors that actually make this a good time to post a For-Sale sign:

• Sell low and buy low. Because all property values are down, the loss on the property a homeowner sells is really only a paper loss because the next property he buys also will be a bargain. If he buys smartly, when prices come back up in a few years, he’ll be in better shape.

• Downpayment help is widely available. While nothing-down loans have disappeared, it’s easy to find downpayment assistance for lower-income and first-time homebuyers. Programs vary all over the country, but one good way to find them is to search online for “downpayment assistance programs” and the name of your region.

• Your Uncle Sam has money to share. Besides the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit and the $6,500 move-up credit, there are an array of energy tax credits that can make home improvements pay off in cash.

• Good help is available. Really talented real estate practitioners, contractors and designers are available and eager for business.

Source: McClatchy Tribune, Kate Forgach (02/07/2010)

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