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How to Find More Space in Your Home

Published: April 25, 2014

The temperatures are warm, and April showers have brought May flowers. It's spring. With summer on the doorstep, it's also time to ready yourself for long leisurely summer days and outdoor entertaining; it's time for spring cleaning and reorganizing.

There are two sides to this battle: You're either obsessed and want to rid yourself of everything that reminds you of winter, or you're relaxed - cleaning and organizing when, where, and how you feel like it.

Either way, here are helpful tips from experts, including moving company co-founder Laura McHolm writing in the Huffington Post.

The pantry - get rid of excess packaging to create more shelf room. Instead of having dozens of oddly shaped boxes on your shelves, hold pasta and other dried goods in clear containers. Cut important info off the packaging and tape it to the outside of containers so you'll have it at your fingertips.

The kitchen - think vertical. If you have large deep drawers, stacking pots and pans on their sides will maximize space, and help you find items quickly.

The dresser - speaking of folding your clothes and placing them vertically in your dresser drawers you take up less space than if you stack them on top of each another. Plus, it's easy to pick and choose. Note: You may need dividers to hold your stacks upright.

The closet - if you don't have space for clothes or shoes in your closet, they end up as clutter somewhere else. Organize your closet shelves with see-through bins or pretty boxes.

The kids' rooms - hey, kids have stuff. To cut clutter, buy bed risers and store bulky items in plastic bins under the bed.

Picture this - when you're storing out-of-season clothes, take photos before you put them away so you'll know what's in each box when it comes time to pull them out again.

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